Company activity

Stop searching, you've found your perfect corporate outing!

Here are some random questions about your search:

  • Are you looking for an activity that is both suitable and enjoyable for both young and older people?
  • Are you looking for an activity in a centrally located and easily accessible place?
  • Are you looking for an activity where everyone can participate?
  • Are you looking for an activity where language is not a barrier or hurdle?
  • Are you looking for an activity that's finally something different from all the standard ones?
  • And are you looking for an activity that offers a wonderfully fun, energetic, nice and relaxing team experience?!
    Check check check!!!!!

The perfect group activity? Absolutely!

We truly dare to say that ClashRooms is the perfect corporate outing. Our concept is fully focused on creating an easygoing atmosphere filled with fun and energy. Our GameMasters will skillfully sense whether your group wants to play competitively or if it’s more about relaxation.

You can also ideally combine ClashRooms with a bite to eat at restaurant De Lichttoren, just a 3-minute walk away. There's almost always room for large groups, so that's taken care of as well!

So, also for you as the organizer, ClashRooms is the perfect activity!

Do you have questions about organizing your corporate outing, or would you like to receive a price quote?